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Changing your password

You can change your password in three different ways:

  • Using the Quick Navigation menu on the left side of the screen: Click on “Change Password”
  • Using the Dashboard menu on the top left corner: Click on “User Menu”, then select “My Account” tab and then “Change My Password” icon.
  • Using the top menu items: Owner > Change My Password

 You will be sent to a screen that displays your username and two input fields so you can enter your new password and retype it on the second box to avoid entering wrong information. Once finished please click on the button “Save my new password”.

If both fields do not match, you will be warned about it and no changes will be applied so you can repeat the process.

Once the process has been successfully achieved, you will be shown a message saying “Password changed!”

If you have forgotten your password and need to reset it, please read our “Resetting your password” help file.

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