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Receiving proxy votes and printing list of votes

As a webmaster, President or a member of the committee you will need access to the community votes that have been received.  In the control panel there is an option available where you can view all the proxy votes that have been sent by property owners and also setup notifications so that each time an owner sends a proxy vote, a member of the community can receive an immediate copy of that vote by email.

NOTE: Only those users which are setup up as registered users & owner can use this option.  Tennants and webmasters do not have the right to send a proxy vote.

NOTE: In order to see how proxy votes are sent, please refer to document “4U Proxy Vote Send”.

The easiest way to get to these menus is through the Dashboard menu available on the top left hand corner.  Click on the Control Panel, and the first menu that appears in the middle of the window is the Community Management.  The ”View Proxy Votes”  icon is available on the top right hand corner

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